Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
that you have been doing..?!!
Allah Swt for some time?!
of the things you have done?!!

has to tell you and us all Insha Allah...
Mohammed Peace be upon him said:

call upon me and ask of me,

for what you have done,and I shall not mind.

to reach the clouds of the sky....

then to ask forgiveness of Me,

Were you to come to Me,,
with sins nearly as great as the earth...

nearly as great as it.

Hadith Qudsi
------------[Related by Al-Tirmithi]-----------

the Creator Swt...

Oh Allah!

Oh Allah!
So if Allah Swt opens for you a door,,

Oh Allah!

Oh Allah!
So if Allah Swt opens for you a door,,

"Will God ever forgive me,
for repeating the same mistakes,,
again and again?
But be 100% sure Insha Allah,

that He Swt,The Forgiving, Most Merciful,
wants to grant you his forgiveness!!
in any servant whom He wishes to punish!
and ask for it Insha Allah...
of your illnesses and to their remedies.
on your roads,in your markets,
at your meetings,metro and wherever you are!!
but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness,
will find Allah is forgiving,Most Merciful.
Quran 4:110
wow.terpaku diam dibuat nya.bagus lah.buat kita sebagai hamba Allah yg slalu lalai dgn dunia sedar,salah silap sengaja@tidak sentiasa kena pohon keampunan dari-Nya.sesungguhnya tak pernah kita terlepas dr melakukan dosa.thanx for sharing. :)
indeed saudara Nabil, perlu sentiasa pohon keampunan..
moga kita semua tergolong dalam golongan org2 yg bersyukur insyaAllah...ameen
Alia Abdul Rashid
really like those words..=)
SALAM...HMMM...aku xnak komen cume nak cakap..manusia ini mudah lupa...dan mereka juga sering melakukan perkara yang mereka tahu kesalahannya..dosanya..tetapi nak juga buat..so..pikir2kan dan selamat beramal..satu lagi..kalau saya nak letak link lia dalam blog saya xpe ke?
salam alaikum wbt Wan..
teruskan menulis..
moga dipermudahkan urusan oleh Allah..ameen
Alia Abdul Rashid
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